Today is July 28, 2015, and it so happen that I accidentally find in my browser my blog entitled "Saturday Cook". I read about the blogs i wrote sometime ago, and discovered that i had make mistakes in spelling word(s), grammatical error, and even repetitions of paragraphs. I did tried to remember what were the things I was doing when I wrote those articles(?) and why did I not notice those big mistakes. And since I can't remember and the feelings that I had during the times when I was writing the particular blogs, I can't help myself, and so I just smile and thought "oh, why should I be ashamed of those wrong spellings and grammar and other errors, its just natural, people do made those mistakes, no big deal!" Another thing, my blogs are all about anything and everything which violates the "title" of my blogs. Some does not even have anything to do about cooking but of some other things about me and about something else and somebo...
this is an expression of my inner feelings, and how i love blogging
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