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Showing posts from October, 2012

Reaching the Final End

Is dying the final end?  At this point i have reached another phase of life...when i decided to end the relation, i thought i would die,there was so much pain, pain that brought so much tears and heartaches which lasted for a long time. I'd pray every night for guidance, for God to hold my hand and guide me through life.  Slowly, very slowly my days are gets brighter, smiles come easy, i can see colors, bright and loud.  Once again, my heart sings and my eyes aglow and my voice has its vibrato.  Yes, there is a new world before my eyes, awaiting for me.  I was given another chance to live happy and freely. Free from hurt and from the thought that i made mistakes that ends my seven years of relationship to the man i had love all my life.   Just when i have found myself again, i learned of his demise.  I searched for that emotion, but i am empty.  Suddenly, the man is just another stranger that passed this earth.  I know i love him, but where this love gone?  I know him, yes,

simple thoughts

yesterday i received a news, the person i used to loved died.  I don't know how to feel about this, i don't even know if i am sad or just refuse to feel this moment. I used to wonder why things happen, but this event somehow answers the question. No, i am not happy just because that someone is no longer here on earth, i guess i am just unburdened of heartaches and of how and why.  I just wish that he been happy during the last days of his life.  That all his dreams were fulfilled and that God gave him everything he asked for.  At this moment, while writing this, i know why i feel not lonely instead i feel light, because i am now free.  I am free from wondering how he is living his life, i am free from thinking of his happiness, i am free from worrying about him because he is now with his Creator, and he is being well taken care of.                Thank you God, for giving me back my freedom, I trust my life and everything i have to you... thank you for letting me "
My wish garden From the looks of it this is an easy thing to do... but i have no experience of planting anything except mongo in our science class.  I live in the city all my life and I have no idea of how to plant, how flowers grow and what entails the planting of plants.  Of course there are these flowery plants in some of my neighbor and friends houses, and i always admire beautiful flowers.  However, i do have an ashma and i am allergic to pollen of whatever. Having this predicament, i have always been particular of plants and even animals and birds (feathers and fur alike) even heavy drapes or curtains.  But this does not mean i have a lonely life, mind you i love every minute that i am alive.      As i am so ignorant on planting anything, still i love to learn how to plant as simple as fern(s).  And as we have a very small place i thought i could have one littlest garden like in this picture.  One of this day, i am going to plant and i promise to make it good.  Godbless m

Moving onward

Moving Onward i don't  compare myself to an insect, it's just i have liken the picture for it reflects so much of how i feel at the moment.  The insect seems to be desolate and yet is climbing up.                One must never stay lonely... losing hurts but accepting  and letting go helps heal, it takes sometime, but it be gone.  Life is too short to be spent lurking, there are things that needs to be done for yourself and to others (family and friends).  Look around and there are bounty of things to help forget and be happy about.         As for me i just climbed with slow pace nothing to hurry, just spending my time taking care of myself.  Family, friends and work are perfect company.  I keep my faith for it makes me strong and wise.          Today, i bought things i like best, books, and clothes.  I  haven't read a single book in so many years ( 7 years).  I want new clothes and accessories to liven me up... life becomes dull in the past and this time i want to
this poem reminds me of someone that i used to love (sounds familiar) well, that's life... Friday not my favorite day but my most awaited day of the week, because it's the last working day and tomorrow i can wake up late and can take a long long bath. of course, there are lots of home works, doing the laundry, going to market, cook, and clean the house.  Nevertheless, i still love Saturday. On week end Nicole my grand daughter and I can have our bonding time.  Our bonding time consist of eating in one of her favorite fast food chain (McDo or Jollibee) shopping for a new shoes or dress or buying things she needs for her school project.  Nicole is growing up so fast, she is taller that most of her playmates, how time really flies. There are a lot of house projects i need to do, i have to buy water filter, and have a "dirty kitchen" constructed at the back of the house.  I do'nt know people who can do the job...but i will look and ask around I just have to, it

wonderer or wanderer

                                    been  away for sometime but that is so typical of me.. i lost my interest in blogging for so many reasons: one is i change residence, second, my computer was busted and third, i was lazy to do my job which is to write.  I thought that because my computer was bust out, my blog was also deleted or have been deleted, until today when i was looking or searching for some other things, i came across that blogs that i used to follow and saw my blog amongst them.  I get excited after reading some of those blogs that i used to follow.  my interest was rekindled, i wish that i will and find time to be writing again  for you and most especially for me.               i am here