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Showing posts from August, 2011

Kare-kare in a stormy weather

We are having a very wet days, what with a very strong typhoon visiting the country.  I has been raining since Friday, we were caught in a very very heavy traffic and I arrived home very late.  One good thing is that we have a long week end because Monday and Tuesday are holidays.  I had not blogged since the other day, I am busy with my work.  Yesterday, Saturday, we cleaned the house and went to market for the whole week's food supply.  Then slept all the way through I was very tired and my body ached.   I woke up early this morning, prepared all the necessary ingredients, and thawed the ox tails and tripes.  I am cooking kare-kare with bagoong. This dish is for dinner tonight and I hope all of us will enjoy our meal despite of the stormy weather.  

My Office mates

As promised i brought meatloaf to the office, my officemates would like to sample some.  It was an instant success, many of them cannot believe that i have made that palatable dish.  I was very pleased.  Actually, i can really cook those basic simple recipes, even those recipes my father dished out for us when he was still alive.  However, its a different thing when you cook something that is foreign or not the usual dish cook at home.  And for me meatloaf is very american and i have been longing to cook or bake it, whatever method it is done, i am really excited to cook the same.  And that happened last Sunday, wow, i felt great and very proud of my cooking.  Thanks for all who appreciated the meatloaf and forgot about me, you all made me happy!!!     

My Meatloaf

Finally, i was able to find time to cook meatloaf.  It took quite a while before I could cook this recipe because I do not have oven big enough to contain this loaf of meat.  But with my new 'paellera" there is no need for me to have oven, one can cook almost everything in this wonderful pan.  So now, here it is my meatloat. Finally, i was able to find time to cook meatloaf.  It took quite a while before I could cook this recipe because I do not have oven big enough to contain this loaf of meat.  But with my new 'paellera" there is no need for me to have oven, one can cook almost everything in this wonderful pan.  So now, here it is my meatloat.

Cooking with No Oil

Last week representatives from INOS surgical stainless steel cookware visited our office and demonstrated the latest technology in cookwares.  There were several pots and pans shown to us, even demonstrating how to cook and use the said pots and pans.  Most of us took interest in buying some cookware items.  However, the cost was quite expensive so I took just one piece which i thought would serve me well and will be of great use for me.  Paellera is a non-stick cooking pan, it is 18" by 10" surgical stainless steel pan for durability, elegance and easy-to-clean surface.  Basically as the name suggest it is for cooking paella, but one can cook practically everything in the said pan.  So tomorrow I will be cooking meatloaf.  I have been asking a friend to teach me how to cook or bake meatloaf, but since she is always busy, we could not find time for the said activity.  But with my paellera, there is no need for oven since you can cook and bake with the pan.  Today I went and b

My version of pata tim

This is Friday evening, i just came from work, before i went home, i passed by the local store to buy some of the things i need for my planned meals this Saturday.  As i am at work most of the time during the weekdays, it is only on Saturdays and Sundays that i really has the time to cook.  Well, of course i washed, sliced and seasoned the meats and fish(es) i will use for my planned meals.  Breakfast should come easy, scrambled eggs, pancakes with maple syrup and orange juice will be a good starter for a day.  I don't think there is a need to go into the details of preparing scrambled eggs and pancakes so we move for cooking the lunch.  I have started to clean pork and prepare the ingredients.   Here is how to cook pata tim. 1 pork pata (front leg) about 1.5 kilo                Procedure: 8 pcs shitake mushrooms                              1.  Combine all ingredients including pata in a stockpan,  3/4 cup soy sauce                                                cover and co o

after the storm

Rain, rain, go away... here in the Philippines at this time of the year, the rain never stops, storms and typhoons are always nearby... water, water everywhere.  Gloomy days just like my heart, drowning in emptiness but i find hope and inspiration in knowing that there are other people whose problems are enormous but still they are standing and keeping their fingers cross hoping against hope that the next day will be a better one.  I don't enjoy seeing miserable life, its just the thought that our problems are not unconquerable, that every problem has solution, and that everything will fit the picture at the right time. I have been spending time surfing the net looking for recipe and tips on good housekeeping and articles on health.  Oh i'd like to read on and on to have something to blog about.  Hey, i am going to be an expert blogger in no time, watch me.!!!    That is why heavy rains are at times good coz i will have plenty of time reading for my blogs...